
Jiangxi cloud computing and Internet of things summit held successfully

2018-10-07 14:38:05 162

On July 5, 2012, the "Cloud Computing and Internet of Things Summit Forum" was successfully held in Sichuang Science Park. Famous industry experts, academics and senior personages from inside and outside the province gathered together to discuss the development trend and hot issues of cloud computing and Internet of Things, and analyze and display typical application cases and solutions of cloud computing and Internet of Things. This forum is jointly sponsored by Jiangxi Computer Society, Jiangxi Provincial Information Center, IBM (China) Co., Ltd. and Sichuang Digital Technology Co., Ltd.            Professor Li Jianmin, chairman of Jiangxi Computer Society and vice president of Nanchang University, made an opening speech. Professor Li first introduced the macro-environment of the development of new technologies such as cloud computing and Internet of Things, and introduced the development of new industries such as cloud computing and Internet of Things in Jiangxi Province. He said that this year is the year of practical application of cloud computing and other new technologies, the time is good, we should take this opportunity to actively promote the development of cloud computing and Internet of Things industry in Jiangxi Province.            In his speech, Mr. You Jianping, chairman of Sichuang, expressed his sincere welcome and gratitude to the guests and introduced the development of Sichuang in the field of new technology. In recent years, Sichuang has followed the pace of development and transformation of IT industry, actively paying attention to and tracking new technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things and mobile Internet. Some preliminary achievements have been made in the development of technology. The project successfully molded some typical cases, such as "perception channel" informationization project in Wuxi section of the South Jiangsu Canal, the construction of "South China Sea one-point communication" portal website, and the mobile application of "mobile South China Sea" palm-to-palm portal. The "Internet of Things Sensing Channel Solution" and "Lock Shipping Platform Based on Intelligent Shipborne Terminal" have won the "Golden Award" of the 15th and 16th China International Software Expositions. You stressed that Sichuang's development and achievements in the new technology field are inseparable from the love and support of customers and partners. Sichuang will continue to work hard in the future.            Subsequently, Jin Feng, vice-chairman of Jiangxi Computer Society and director of Jiangxi Information Center, gave a keynote report on "Innovative Ideas and Intensive Promotion of Jiangxi E-government Construction"; and Ming Wen, deputy secretary-general of Jiangxi Computer Society and Dean of Jiangxi Normal University School of Computer Information Engineering, wrote "Cloud Computing-based Social Network Analysis Report; IBM Senior Architect: Mr. Li Mingzhi's Report on the Power of the Cloud - Driven Business Model Innovation; Mr. Wang Xun, Chief Engineer of Sichuang Digital Technology Co., Ltd., reports on the Internet of Things Solutions - Design and Practice of Intelligent Information Systems. There is a lot of talk about it. Several industry experts'reports were rich in content and thorough in analysis, which aroused the strong interest of the participants. They let everyone understand the new information and technology, and opened up new ideas.            Cloud connects the world, perceiving the future. With the acceleration of information technology, the development of new generation of information technology is changing with each passing day, and the demand for information technology for economic and social development continues to grow. Driven by both market demand and technological innovation, new technologies such as cloud computing and Internet of Things (IOT) are booming, bringing about significant changes to the scale, socialization and service development of IT industry. Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IOT) have become an important area of strategic emerging industries in China. In the future, Sichuang will give full play to the advantages of technological innovation, strengthen the coordinated integration of resources, deepen the application of key areas, and promote the innovation of technology and service modes in order to achieve better and faster development.