
Changes in business models bring new activities to distributors.

2018-10-07 14:38:24 178

[Introduction] In the past year, the test of IT distribution has become more severe. The IT giants have tried their best to distance themselves from the end-dealers and direct users by various means to reduce the channel space. The development of e-commerce technology and platform has aggravated this change. Large distributors are becoming more and more difficult to earn money in the traditional distribution field, resulting in weakness or even retrogression. In the situation of drastic changes in the distribution industry, digital distribution business around the core channel of bold innovation, actively adjust the business structure, strive for favorable resources for upstream and downstream customized services to meet the needs of the upstream and downstream, maintaining more than 20% of the rapid growth, and achieved upstream development.            The breakthrough of capital bottleneck has brought great opportunities for digital development. In September of that year, the newly established group company achieved a monthly sales of more than 600 million yuan, only three months later in December to achieve a monthly sales of more than 900 million yuan. With the rapid expansion of business scale and profit margins, digital investors have also paid dividends. At the end of 2012, Digital has won many social honors in Suzhou, such as the 2013 Tax Contribution Award and the 2013 Advanced Tax Award. In 2013, in order to meet the needs of the rapid growth of the size of the group, and to provide "more efficient and more standardized" services to the upstream and downstream, the digital operation system has also been integrated and transferred accordingly.            A more stable business structure for rapid development convoy initially launched the distribution business in 1999. Through more than ten years of sincere cooperation, Digital has become the most widely covered product line among peripheral product distributors. And the peripheral business with the largest team is also outstanding, has been the mainstay of the digital distribution channel business system, providing the most powerful guarantee for the company's sales and profit.